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general education 普通教育。

general election

University general education 大學通識教育部

Programme of general education 通識教育課程

General education scholarships 通識教育獎學金

Committee on general education 通識教育委員會

Kitty : i think it ' s best to get a general education as an undergraduate (凱蒂:我覺得大學時應該接受通才教育。 )

Fundamental factors restricting general education in chinese universities 我國大學通識教育難以深化的根本因素分析

College general education courses 書院通識課程

Mssc in general education 通識教育社會科學碩士

College general education programme 大學通識科目

The expected impact of reform in general education upon higher education 基礎教育改革對高等教育改革的預期影響

Total general education requirements 一般課程要求

Shaw college - general education 逸夫書院-通識教育

Faculties may prescribe additional requirements for general education 個別學院對通識教育可能有額外的規定。

Director , general education programme 通識教育課程主任

University general education requirements 通識教育總學分

3 f , general education building office hours 依辦公時間2

University reform and general education 大學改革與通識教育

Director , center for general education 陽明大學通識中心主任

Research on general education in university of engineering nature 工程類本科院校開展通識教育的探討